
Hope has been on my mind recently.  As Moravians, we affirm that God creates, God redeems, and God sustains us.   We also believe that in response to what God has done for us that we should be moved […]


Jesus says, “Be careful not to practice your piety in front of others to be seen by them… [give alms, pray, fast] in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:1-18).    These acts […]


Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” in the Gospel of Matthew begins with the Beatitudes.   All of these sayings have meaning, and they all build upon the next as a way to live into the true happiness that only […]


Unity Moravian Church is a community of faith: Invites people into relationship with God. Growing in all ways into Christ. Sharing Christ’s love and compassion with others. Friends. Family. Faith. At Unity, you’ll find a community of people […]