Unity Moravian Church has a history of service to neighbors near and far. We continue in that tradition today.
We actively seek ways to share Christ’s love with this world.

Past and Current Mission Activities
Mission Trips:
- Lewisville Community Assistance Program
- Christmas Eve offerings for outreach organizations
- Assistance for Unity Members
- Support for Ukrainian Refugees
- Food for Trellis
- Tour de Llama Bike Race (Samaritan Ministries)
- Crossnore Children’s Home support
- Community Blood Drive
- Angel Tree Outreach
- City with Dwellings
- Good Samaritans
- Salvation Army Outreach
- Senior Services
- Support for the Blahoslav High School in the Czech Republic
- Medical Debt Forgiveness campaigns
- Sunnyside Ministries
- Forsyth County Prison Ministry
- Salemtowne
- Unity Women’s Desk
- Collections for Alaskan Province – Bibles
- Backpack Program for Lewisville Elementary
- Participation with the Clemmons-Lewisville Action for Student Support (CLASS)
- First Responder Meals
- Alaska/Bethel for buildings and grounds activities.
- Alaska/Bethel for VBS & Music
- Mississippi (Hurricane Katrina relief)
- Laurel Ridge Mission Work and Camp