- Worship
- Sunday School
- Unity Friends (group for seniors)
- Sunday School social events
- Fellowship Dinners
- Christmas Candle Trimming
- Crafts
- Special Musical Performances & Concerts
- Unity Prayer Partners
- Men’s Fellowship
- Women’s Fellowship
- Unity Kids
- Vacation Bible School
Can you sing? Would you like to learn how to play the handbells? Do you play an instrument? From our adult to handbell choirs to the Unity band, you’re invited to share your talents with us or learn new ones. Moravians enjoy a rich musical heritage, and we love to serve the Lord with singing and music every chance we get! Please contact our Music Director, Brandon Noftle, at brandon@upbeatmusiccompany.com
Unity Moravian, through its Community Concerns Committee, various Sunday School classes, and youth group, supports a variety of mission-oriented activities. Whether it’s the Red Cross Blood Drive, a mission trip to Mississippi to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, or helping to fill the food pantries at local non-profits, Unity works hard and gives generously to our community both close to home and far away.