
  It has been a longtime practice of Unity Moravian to welcome children to the Lord’s Table.   As pastor, I do not refuse giving the elements of Communion to children who stand to receive them.  By partaking in […]


  “For I am convinced and persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able […]


  In Jill Duffield’s book, Lent in Plain Sight: A Devotion through Ten Objects, there is a reminder that in order to have the mind of Christ Jesus we must “memorize Jesus’ life and emulate it” (53).   Duffield […]


Lenten Devotional Series: “Lent in Plain Sight” (Jill Duffield) Even though we are using a book for this devotional series, this will not be a book study. In “Lent in Plain Sight,” Jill Duffield provides a short devotional […]


Lewisville Community will be having a Blood Drive on Saturday 12, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Help save lives.


Pastor’s Fall Book Circle – Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Steve on Monday mornings in October, I will be offering another “Book Circle” focused on Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption […]


Jesus understands the reality of life.   He understands that living a perfect and blameless life before God is impossible for anyone.   Jesus does not discourage living.     He does not discourage us from living our […]


Recently, my family and I visited Tallulah Gorge in South Carolina.  It is a beautiful state park with breathtaking vistas and waterfalls.  We walked to a few overlooks created from the rocks that form the gorge.  These overlooks […]


I write this article during our Vacation Bible School week.  It has been a joy to see and hear children learning, singing, and creating at Compassion Camp.   I am so thankful for all the youth and adult volunteers […]


Vacation Bible School is returning to Unity Moravian! Kids in preschool through 5th grade are invited to participate. This will be open to friends, family, and the community, so please feel free to invite anyone that you think […]